Project Type: Debut project at The Magisters Inc Roles: Lead Game Designer, Lead Engineer Software Used: Unity Engine, Piskel Languages Used: C# Release date: 2021
Project Goals: Procedural world generation via several Perlin noise maps Dynamic player-world interactions via A* pathfinding Simulated weather systems
The Travels is a game centered on exploration, world immersion , and the interaction with a dynamic world economy. Originally, the team at The Magisters Inc had envisioned, and indeed designed, an experience set in Asia during the height of Silk Road activity. Yet, the fascination of procedural generation drove the game to a fictional setting, where the player is tasked with exploring unknown worlds, forming dangerous trade routes, and excelling at price arbitrage in a global and dynamic marketplace. In a team comprised of six artists, one sound designer, and one business analyst, I am the lead game designer and lead engineer.